Prevention Is An Important Part of Your Overall Health

Taking steps to prevent injuries of any kind should be a top priority in everyone's life.  Whether you are an extreme sport athlete, a weekend warrior or someone who has a physically demanding job, there are a number of things you can do to minimize the risk of serious injury.  We at the Rotator Cuff Healing Center have done much research in regards to preventing injuries to the Rotator Cuff and have provided much of that information for you below.

Unfortunately, it would be impossible to provide you with every scenario of every injury and then also provide you with the ways to prevent them.  To be completely honest, there's really no need to when it's already been done so effectively by professionals who are far more qualified that we are.  As an alternative, we have provided you some of the more basic exercises that will still get the job done of helping you to strengthen your shoulders to prevent a shoulder injury but you should also know that there are very good alternatives.  

Take, for example, the e-book "How To Treat and Prevent Shoulder Injuries", (product shown at the bottom of this page)  This is just one of the many wonderful resources we have discovered that provide you with a full and complete guide to improving shoulder strength as well as improving flexibility and the strength of the surrounding muscles.

Remember the old saying that begins "An ounce of Prevention..."?  Well I urge you to consider the fact that suffering a serious shoulder injury could not only affect you physically, but it could also affect you financially by preventing you from working for quite some time.  Could you afford to be off of work for three, four, five or even six weeks while your shoulder heals?  Most people can't.  That's why it makes so much sense to invest a little in yourself right now and start a real plan of preventing a serious Rotator Cuff injury rather than waiting until after an injury occurs when it might cost you so much more.

More Valuable Resources To Consider...

      Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises

  Written by professionals for professional trainers but can be used by anyone to get the most out of a complete Rotator Cuff strengthening plan.  Includes a ready-to-use 12 week program that you can start immediately.


             The Ultimate Rotator Cuff

  A medically proven, step-by-step system you can use to safely overcome your shoulder problems without having to risk expensive surgery or swallow a fist full of pills everyday...

      The Stretching Institute 

Simple exercises a few times a week can reduce your chances of a serious shoulder injury.

Although most trainers teach you how to build only the major muscles surrounding the shoulder, it is equally important to work on the muscles that support them. Those muscles are located in the Rotator Cuff and are the reason you are able to have full range of motion without your shoulder falling out of its socket. Strong and healthy Rotator Cuff muscles draw the arm back into place and are an integral part of the entire function of the shoulder. Together, the major muscles of the shoulder work with the muscles of the Rotator Cuff to give you maximum performance and stability. If any one of the muscles is not as strong as the next, you are at risk of injury. Much like a chain that is only as strong as it's weakest link, so too is the strength of the shoulder only as strong as it's weakest muscle.  

Here are a few examples of simple exercises you can perform at home to help you develop your Rotator Cuff muscles and decrease your risk of a serious shoulder injury:

In a sitting position, hold light weight dumbbells by your sides. (A two or three pound weight will be sufficient in the beginning) Raise both hands straight out to your sides, forming a "T" shape, and hold for a few seconds then lower slowly. Repeat exercise 10-15 times two to three times per week. This exercise is designed to develop the Supraspinatus which is the muscle that helps the Deltoid raise your arm to the side and also helps with outward rotation. 

The next exercise requires you to have a bench or at least an area where you can comfortably lay with support.

Lie on your side with your lightweight dumbbell in your hand and your elbow resting on the area around your hip. With your arm bent at a right angle and your palm facing down, rotate your arm upward keeping your elbow contact with your body as you lift the weight upward. Once the weight is at the top, hold for a few seconds and slowly lower. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times two to three times per week. This exercise focuses on the Infraspinatus and Teres Minor muscles which help pull your arm downward or hold it in place. 

This final exercise concentrates on the internal rotation of your arm, focusing on the Subscapularis muscle.

Begin in a standing position with your legs shoulder distance apart, your arm bent at a 90 degree angle and your elbow at your side. With a lightweight dumbbell in your hand and your palm facing to the side, turn your body slightly to the side while rotating your hand accross your stomach. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return back to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times two to three times per week. 

Admittedly, these are not the only exercises designed specifically for the development of the Rotator Cuff muscles. As with all exercises there are many variations using a multiple of different types of workout equipment. Do some homework and choose the ones that best suit your lifestyle.  

Already Injured?

If you have already suffered an injury and have not seen a doctor, please, go as soon as possible so you know the severety of the injury.

Even if you are in pain right now, it may not be too late to prevent further damage to your shoulder. The key to successfully overcoming your shoulder pain is learning the proper exercises that focus specifically on your shoulder. This maximizes the effectiveness of the exercise because it is concentrated directly at your shoulder and the common areas that cause shoulder pain.

Scar tissue may be forming at this very moment so time is of the essence. You need to act quickly to prevent the muscle or tendon from healing weakly and increasing your chances of re-injury.

Here are a few wonderful solutions I think you'll find fit your needs perfectly...

              How To Treat & Prevent Shoulder Injuries

-Learn the anatomy of the shoulder girdle complex and why it is so susceptible to injury.

-Learn more about common shoulder injuries or conditions that develop from overuse, under-use, and traumatic injury to the shoulder girdle.

-View pictures and detailed descriptions of how to first gain range of motion back in the shoulder after injury, then exercises to stabilize and strengthen the shoulder girdle, and then finally how to strengthen the muscles that surround and protect the fragile shoulder complex.

                                      (Check The Website For more Details)

                     Shoulder Pain NO MORE!

In a nutshell, 'Shoulder Pain NO MORE' is:

A simple, step-by-step program for rehabilitating your injury at home, 100% guaranteed to eliminate your shoulder pain for good.

 Regularly Priced at $69.95  But if you act now, You should be able to secure your copy for a much lower price...

(sorry but you must visit the website for actual price)                                               


Legal Disclaimer: This Website is owned and operated by an affiliate of the companies shown and has no direct connection to the products or companies who own the products. As such, the affiliate will receive a commission for any products that are purchased through the links located on this website. In other words, if you buy something here, I get paid for the work I did in getting you to buy from me. Furthermore, as with any injury, I recommend getting a doctor's approval before beginning any treatment. 

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